Hey Everyone!

February 29, 2008

I just wanted to let everyone know I’m back. Obviously I’m not the smartest with starting my own domain name even though I have everything ready. I’m not quite exactly sure how to set up my wordpress blog on the hosting service I have. None the less, I will start updating from now on and for this moment http://www.quitsmokingfast.wordpress.com will be the only URL you can use to access the blog.

I’m very sorry for all the inconvenience, after all, I’m here to try to help people quit the nasty habit of smoking.

Be expecting new posts on a regular basis.

Again I’m sorry and I look forward to seeing more and more people visit.

Current Maintenance

January 28, 2008

Hey guys, I’m sorry there haven’t been updates lately. Just so you know I’m doing server maintenance and probably switching my blog to a domain name @ http://www.badsmoker.com

It’s not up yet, and will take at least a few days for me to get everything organized but I’d like to make it a bit nicer and add a few things. Who know’s maybe there will even be a forums!

Stay tuned!

The New Craze…

January 22, 2008

Well, it seems to me, just like everyone else, that tobacco companies lure the young. Personally, I don’t see why they do this other than the fact that money must mean a lot more to them then anything else. Almost all tobacco companies/brands participate in this “luring of the young” charade even if they deny it.

The tobacco taste is an acquired taste. Like all of us smokers/former smokers know. It’s not something you usually just like the taste of the first time you throw it in your mouth. Well now the new craze to target teens and young adults is the flavored cigarettes. There’s Marlboro Smooth’s out on the market now. Camel has come out with some new flavors. Not to mention, which little kid doesn’t think that camel’s cool?

Overall, the tobacco companies do upkeep all their sales by also maintaining commercials to help quit smoking. Such as Truth commercials. Did you know those commercials were owned by a tobacco company? It’s to help them out in case they get law suites. Isn’t that something?

Great Ad To Quit Smoking

January 21, 2008

Check this out! Here’s a great video on what smoking does to your body.

Pretty neat video if I do say so myself. It shows very good details in the different effects that smoking can have on the human body. From the lungs to the brain. I thought this video was a real good way to say “Hey you need to quit!”

More Smoking Bans That Might Be Taking Effect

January 21, 2008

Well, lately there has been more discussions in states as to ban smoking tobacco in public places or not. One of the states under review now for the ban is Maryland.

The thing that’s different with Maryland’s ban on smoking is the fact that it’s not allowed in ANY public establishments at all. This is going to be highly enforced very soon, including in places such as bars and clubs as well.

In other recent news, another state that has been pushing bills to put a ban on smoking while driving came into effect in Washington state. They are trying to make it where it’s illegal to smoke in your car while a children is around. Personally, I’m all for this one! Second-hand smoke to a child is very dangerous and can cause hazardous health problems.

Deaths Per Year

January 20, 2008

A lot of people wonder about some hardcore facts about smoking tobacco.

Let’s review a few of them…

1. Why are cigarettes addicting?

Well they contain a drug called Nicotine. This drug is VERY addicting and is what makes it so hard for habitual smokers to quit once and for all.

2. What’s the chances of me dying from smoking?

Well the chances are VERY likely. If you notice most news programs they are always broadcasting things about tobacco firms and companies. Currently, more than 400,000 deaths per year in the U.S. alone is due to tobacco smoking. Of course they also cause other things such as lung cancer, throat cancer, and many other diseases.

3. It’s my body, but is that all I’m harming?

Unfortunately it’s not. Second-hand smoke is a lot bigger deal than most people think it is. Which in reality, this second-hand smoke can effect everyone you hang out with. Friends, family, co-workers, and even other civilians.

4. I’m pregnant. Is it still ok for me to smoke?

NO, NO, and NO!!!! It is absolutely vital for you to quit smoking if you have a baby due. This can cause so many problems. First off, your baby could have birth defects and also is more likely to come out weighing very very little. Second off, if the baby is born and you’ve been continuing to smoke, there’s a high chance your kid will get a case of pneumonia or bronchitis, which I’m sure you know, is terrible for a little child. Over 300,000 reports yearly of bronchitis and pneumonia among infants have been due to the second-hand smoke.

So decided wisely. Is that cigarette you put in your mouth really worth it? Think about all the people you’re harming other than just yourself. It would be quite selfish to not even consider them if you ask me.

Ban On Smoking in Illinois

January 18, 2008

Since the beginning of January this year (2008), Illinois had passed a law as to where it was illegal to light up almost anywhere in public. There has been a lot of complaints about the law and has already been over 600 offenders of the law.How has their been 600 offenders in only 18 days? Well it’s been said that most of the reporting is coming from the establishments already in Illinois, such as your local grocery store and so on.

However the law enforcers in Illinois seem to not be surprised with the 600 people that have already violated the law. They have more supporters than people who have actually offended the crime.They say that more than 50% of the people don’t like the law, and 36% of non-smokers don’t agree with it as well.

As we can see, Illinois is trying hard to help people break down one of the ugliest habits people can get. Smoking. A lot of people are quite upset over this issue and I don’t blame them seeing how we have our own freedoms in this country.

But for those of you that are trying to quit and move on, maybe a piece of information like this could be inspirational to you.

No matter what circumstances, so far it seems that Illinois is going to keep it’s law, at least for now.

Ingredients in a Cigarette

January 18, 2008

A lot of people know the old sayings about all the different chemicals from cigarettes that cause harm to the human body. “It has rat poison.” “It has pesticides.” The list goes on I’m sure.

Well here’s a small diagram of some things that are harmful to us in a cigarette:

In the following picture/diagram it shows some components that are put into cigarettes when they are made.

These include Butane, Cadmium, Methanol, Paint, Ammonia, Arsenic (Poison), and much more.
And none of these at all could possibly good for our health.
So the real question is… Why do we keep smoking?

Well it’s been proven that you can get addicted to smoking in three main different ways:
1. Psychologically
2. Mentally
3. Physical Habit

All of these ways are what we are going to try to overcome through out later tips and postings through this blog!